So, for those who graduated from the old SMA and have not been around for sometime, here's your treat!
Take a glance of YOUR new school too!

The bust of Madre Ignacia del Espiritu Santo (MIDES) and an RVM Regional logo.

The famous SMA logo showing the year of its foundation in Oslob.

The podium (with logo) and a MIDES framed poster attached to the pasillo wall.

a zoomed out view of the front of SMA.

The SMA facade.

The Blessed Virgin Mary attached to one of its pillars viewed thru the school gate.

The SMA facade thru its gate.

The entrance gate.

The school viewed from "our" CAT field. The field must have been known by another name now, as there is probably no more CAT (Citizens Army Training) in SMA, as in many high schools in the country today.

From another angle.

The stage too, must have undergone face-lifting as it was dominantly wood during our time.

The basketball court that has been a witness to students cutting classes just to sweat it out here!

The field that hosts the yearly Cheering competitions, Intra-murals and CAT Tactical inspections. Daghan pod nalipong dinhi labina ug init inig CAT formation.

This stage is a memoir for those honor students and performers.

View of the school's right wing.

The school logo.

The school's front wall.

Right wing.

Same side.

The stage, also shows a part of the burnt church.

The right wing that faces North, viewed from the street.

The same side, viewed from the basketball court.

Viewed from the CAT field.

The same side.

The school gate at the back of the stage.

The left wing viewed beside the stage.

The left wing viewed from Rizal street that includes the view of the CAT field.

Front of the left wing.
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